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  • 1 Post By mandyb

Thread: Milly

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  1. #1


    Our lovely girl Milly did very well at her very first tica show,at last think i have now cracked the grooming ritual.Not been showing long,does any one else have grooming tips.Thanks
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Milly-003.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Über Cat
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    in my case, panic and call the breeder and she comes and does it for me lol.... seriously we have met some lovely people at the actual shows who as newbies have helped us primp on the day.... dont whether they will still be so helpful when my two are up against theirs , which are all big boys lol

  3. #3
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    I would say to take note from this time at what point her coat looked the best from bath day,Merlyn needed three days before a show, Shimba the same although I could do Shims a couple of days before & be ok,Welly needed at least four to five days which normally meant his white bits having to be done again the day before,Ruby with her baby coat could be bathed the day before as at the moment everything just flows as soon as she dries but who knows as she gets older. I like to give mine a good groom the day before the show so only have to tidy up when you get there but when I have had disaster bath sessions have had to go the whole wack on the day as well to get them looking anywhere decent but having found products that really suit the coats have been a lot luckier recently,I still think its the groundwork before that makes all the difference but do like to help people as well on the day if I can,even had a freinds cat nominated over one of mine one day because the grooming was better & I had groomed the cat for that person when we got there,talk about shooting yourself in the foot & causing a fair bit of hilarity when the judge asked why we had both burst out laughing.....
    Milly looks very proud of herself so good luck with her show career & if you make as many friends along the way as we have you will have a great time too....x

  4. #4
    Elite Cat
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    Were you at Swanley last weekend? I went on Sunday for a visit but spent a lot of time gossiping with my friend Lucy Did manage to see a few cats. You *might* have been penned opposite her? Your girl looks familiar...

  5. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by mandyb View Post
    Our lovely girl Milly did very well at her very first tica show,at last think i have now cracked the grooming ritual.Not been showing long,does any one else have grooming tips.Thanks
    I was at the same show as you and my boy Romeo had 3 finals and it was his first time out, well pleased, your Milly was beautiful. Now I need some good grooming tips .




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