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Thread: How to Photograph your MC in 6 easy Steps

  1. #31
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
    Love the photos - they are awesome... and you've definately captured the sprit of trying to take pictures of cats. I swear I get dirty looks whenever I point the camera (video or still) at mine. In fact if its the video camera they instantly stop being cute!

  2. #32
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Devon, England
    Thanked 34 Times in 33 Posts
    What I hate about photographing cats is their habit of posing sans legs... there they are looking gorgeous so out comes the infamous camera and when the pix are downloaded there they are... the legless cats, and if they do manage to show at least two legs at the required length then guess what the little darlings have managed to lose their tails! Oh well I do need a new website and I do need a new camera... maybe my OH will take pity and buy me a shiny new DSLR or one of those new Canon jobbies as seen in practical photographer... and only £700 ish quid a go!

  3. #33
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Thanked 20 Times in 18 Posts
    Quote Originally Posted by Tivicoons View Post
    What I hate about photographing cats is their habit of posing sans legs... there they are looking gorgeous so out comes the infamous camera and when the pix are downloaded there they are... the legless cats, and if they do manage to show at least two legs at the required length then guess what the little darlings have managed to lose their tails! Oh well I do need a new website and I do need a new camera... maybe my OH will take pity and buy me a shiny new DSLR or one of those new Canon jobbies as seen in practical photographer... and only £700 ish quid a go!
    Its the road to ruin....well, an addictive and sometimes expensive hobby.... but keep being nice to him and leaving the photography magazines lying around! Mind you, if he is anything like mine, subtle hints fly so far over his head they leave a hole in the ozone


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