How to Photograph your MC in 6 easy Steps
Step 1 - Set up a nice little 'scene' and gently place your MC into position. Try to ignore the look of utter disgust at the inconvenience you are causing them.
Step 2 - Suggest to your MC that they may want to relax. Again, ignore the sniffy expression.
Step 3 - Within about 30 seconds, boredom will be setting in. So use a toy to keep them entertained while you take pictures. [NOTE: growing a spare hand is useful at this point]
Step 4 - Remember, getting the toy too close to the camera can result in some lens/paw/claw close encounters.
Step 5 - MC's are adorable, but younger ones in particular can have problems doing two things at once, so be aware that asking them to 'play' and 'show me your tail' at the same time can result in the sort of contortions normally only reserved for those kind of websites! :shy:
Step 6 - finally, with a little patience and several hundred wasted photographs later, you might just get one final 'pose' that is somewhere close you wanted 2 hours ago! Even if she has managed to hunch herself into looking like a 3 month old kitten instead of an 8 mth old *sigh*
:pissed: Good luck to anyone trying to do this :rofl: