Kiwi: I would advise you not to take at face value any information recieved online.
The reason I say this is a friend of mine bought a yorkshire terrier puppy from an online breeder 2 years ago. I warned him to visit the breeder and see the parents and make sure to get papers. Afterall he was handing over nearly €300. Well he agreed to meet the "breeder" and then they were to go back to her home. When they met at the agreed place she then said she was in a rush as there was a "family emergency" and he decided to take the "pup". Fast forward to 2012 and young dog developed severe problems vomiting etc. Dog was brought to the vet and they had no other option but to put him down. very upsetting for the family concerned!
When I bought my maine coon cat I got a list of reputable breeders from the cat breeders association of Ireland. I'm sure there is an equivalent association in the UK. Research your breeder thoroughly including visiting the breeder. Don't forget you are going to have this pet for a long time.
These guidelines to buying a cat are worth reading before committing to buying your cat.
As you have got sufficient information on this thread to buying your cat I am closing this thread.
Best of luck in buying your new cat!
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