We've KWITT the litter Kwitter....
Hi everyone, I've not posted much on here yet but Im hoping to find more time now we've quit the Litter Kwitter. Before I bore you with my experiences of The Litter Kwitter I'd just like to thank those that have looked at our pic's of the boys (I think I made it harder to find than it's suposed to be somehow). Im always looking at other peoples MC's, wondering when mine will look like little Lions, they're all gorgeous.
After two months of reasonable success with the Litter Kwitter (wee's) system we decided on Sunday enough was enough. There was only ever one poo in TLK, the rest were always on the floor next to it. This wasnt the problem, I had the patience and forsight to see passed that but it was reading on TLK forum on Sunday that changed my mind. Someone on there had had success with there cat but he said "if you can live with the guilt it's a great system" he went on to say how his cat originally pood once a day and weed through out, this changed to one wee a day or less and one poo every few days. In the mean time (from our experience) the cats are irritable and won't settle, going back and to to the toilet. He also wrote before you get to far into it read this..... and there was a link to a website....... Sophie Cat | The cutest cat in the World! .....where a girl had logged every experience with her bengal and TLK, it went from Dec '07 to April '09 and even then she gave up. So anyway, we had a major clean up everywhere and went and got a new extra large tray for two cats, put it down, poured litter in and before I had finished Bailey had weed in it and the second he got out Jasper was in there and I'm pleased to say they have been pooing to their hearts content, multiple times a day. It's as if they're making a point, showing their appreciation!
Thanks Guys,
Gra' & Fee