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Great that it seems to be working. I had less success when I tried it.
We are fine-tuning the housetraining with our 9 month old kitten Herbie. Occasionally he will wee under the piano, when there are 5 litter trays in the house in 3 separate areas. I sprayed lemon juice in the area hoping it would deter him and make him go to the tray instead. But he just weed a bit over to the left.....bah!
So instead we have been really careful about blocking his access to that room - a bit tricky since we don't have a hallway and you walk through that room to get upstairs. But last night was a step forwards - Herbie was howling and crying to get our attention, and it turned out he wanted to nip down to the cellar to use his tray. Previously he'd have made no sound and 'gone' under the piano whilst our backs were turned. His 2 big brothers are very good at 'asking' to be let outside or downstairs should either door be shut. So fingers crossed, he's learning. Might not have to take him back to the shop after all....:LOL: