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Thread: Lemon & Lime Keep Cat Away

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CatsMom Lemon & Lime Keep Cat Away 2nd April 2012, 01:29 AM
2mainecoons Thank you for the great idea!... 2nd April 2012, 03:38 AM
afgreyparrot Yes, it must be a Maine Coon... 2nd April 2012, 03:51 AM
jckkerrison Great idea thanks I have the... 2nd April 2012, 08:30 AM
jopetportraits I must be lucky as none of... 2nd April 2012, 01:09 PM
Antonia Yes, I have often wondered... 2nd April 2012, 01:40 PM
CatsMom Day 2: Preparing meal. ... 3rd April 2012, 02:24 AM
midget.73 what an interesting idea. I... 3rd April 2012, 05:48 AM
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    Lemon & Lime Keep Cat Away

    I've tried everything to keep Whiskey away from food while I prepare a meal. We've used sticky tape, foil, pennies in a can, squirt bottle, etc. Yet for some reason he thinks he has to inspect everything that is put out on the kitchen counters. He thinks he's helping to make sure everything is cooked fully or doesn't burn by sticking his face into pots & pans while food is cooking. He also thinks he has to taste everything that I'm slicing and dicing too. Throwing food into the garbage disposal in the sink is out as he would dive into the sink to retrieve the food.

    But, I think I've found a way of preparing a meal without Whiskey inspecting everything up close & personal. I've noticed that he hates the smell of sliced lemons & limes. If I put some lemon or lime slices on the counter he avoids the area. So I put a slice on one side of the stove and one on the other side. This seems to keep him out of the stuff cooking. I've also put some in the sink and this now keeps him out of it.

    We're keeping our fingers crossed and hope the lemons & limes continue to work until he at least gets the hint and stops trying.
    jckkerrison, Fozzie and midget.73 like this.




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