Human bath time - never a dull moment with my 16 month MC
I used to find taking a bath was a nice peaceful, and fairly uneventful business. Not so now with Kitten on the scene. As he's developed a growing interest in water he likes to be involved in all stages of my bath routine. I've tried locking the door but he cries to come in, and once tried to shoulder the door down. Once I relent he appears over the top of the bath with his paws over the edge, waiting expectantly for me to cup my hand so he can drink the bath water from it. This process is repeated multiple times. Then he likes to do the bathroom circuit; jumps on the lid of the loo, moves to the sink before finally stretching himself out on the bath mat. All the more problematic when I want to come out of the bath, as if I attempt to step on the mat my feet are greeted with furry paws. So I end up avoiding the mat and making the floor wet instead. Once bath time is over, kitten is happy to pursue his own activities, which invariably means chasing his moggie sister. Just wondered if anyone else has a MC who is interested in assisting their owners with their bath routine! Xx.