Played it again for OH to listen too last night,Merlyn ended up out in the pen looking for it but eventually Shimba cottoned on where it was coming from & just sat looking at the computer,this time Bruce did lay there with his head tilted listening but still no reaction from the others,isn' it strange how it affects some cats but not others,what can we deduct from that some are more sensitive,some a bit more laid back {was going to insert a bit dimmer but didn't think that a fair way of describing it as Merl sure was dim going outside to look}some sleep so heavy it proves they would hear nothing,some just aren't bothered......I am sure there are a lot more explanations...x
Oh how adorable!! When little Stornie heard it, he looked up and around and seemed confused but very interested. Can't wait to see if my guy starts 'talking' as well.
Thanks for posting.
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