Tabby cat portrait WIP
Thanks so much Jo - your portrait is going to be absolutely stunning - we are so looking forward to seeing the finished picture - he will have pride of place in the lounge
Sorry, unfortunately Ben didn't live with Maine Coons, but he was the reason we are now owned by three. We're positive that Ben was a MC cross - he was a very, very special, loving boy and his behaviour, temperament etc was spot on for MC - the fact that all the kits are showing the same characteristics has just made us even more sure. Ben was always with me - in the garden he was my shadow, always 'helping' of course! He had to be in the same room as me in the house, not that much of a lap cat, but as long as he could help me with whatever I was doing, then sit next to me on the sofa and rest a paw or two on my legs he was happy. RIP my beloved boy.
You've absolutely caught his expression Jo - that was exactly how he looked when I told him what a handsome boy he was :smile:
Ahh bless him. My Mum says he looks like the cat that's got the cream.
Wow beautiful!, stunning!, fab! you are so clever
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