We blame you lot!
Hi All
First of all, apologies for absence over last couple of weeks, its been a bit manic here at Menagerie Mansions, but it has culminated in the arrival of two 1 yr old Coonies from an advert here on the forum. So we are now settling in a gorgeous silver tabby boy and a vert attractive red girl. I wil post pictures when they are a little more settled, we only arrived back from Scotland with them on Wednesday so they are just getting to know us [though we discovered in the last 10 mins that a packet of Dreamies is wholly acceptable, even when fed straight from fingers to mouth :LOL: ]
So, thats 3 maine coons, 2 moggies and 2 jack russells.....and a LOT of vacuuming :rofl:
Hi Yvonne. that's fantastic news! I can't wait to see your new additions. i have just looked at your photos of your cats and you take beautiful pictures, and your cats are gorgeous. Are your new ones siblings? I hope the resident cats and your new additions become good friends.
wow congrats ... dont blame us ...blame the maine coon purrsonality !!!!
What great news rehoming two together so looking forward to seeing them & what is two more really,cleaner bag just gets filled a bit more quicker, so looking forward to the photos....x
Thanks All.
Having collapsed in bed at 8pm, I am now awake ridiculously early, so sitting very quietly with the camera and managed to get a few early pics. Nothing brilliant yet but here we go...
This is Dizzy, our big Silver tabby boy with a tail and a half!
YWP_4021 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr
YWP_4036 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr
YWP_4013 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr
And this beautiful lady is.... well, name still to be decided, but probably Red or something else Jazz related [as we already have Ella and Dizzy]
YWP_4025 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr
YWP_4035 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr
What beautiful kits Yvonne ... Dizzy is certainly one stunning boy, and Red (?) is soo pretty ... they look very happy in their new home already! How are they getting on with everybody else, have they met up yet?
Me thinks you have all fallen on your feet/paws finding each other,Dizzy is one handsome male & "to be named"is one stunning red girl,couldn't she be Jazzie as that is the music you are into anyway.... ? So pleased you woke up early x
:nod: The jazz is his thing, not mine, but I shall add that thought into the pile. Her current name is Portia, which really isn't us [too many kids round here with names like that] but she does need something quite.... well, 'sophisticated' or perhaps 'grown up' as she is very much a lady...unlike her brother who is a total bundle of fun loving clownishness.
They have met Mr Mumble, our very laid back moggie tom, and are being introduced to our other coonie Ella for short periods. Ellla has always had lots of cats around her, but this is the first time she has had new ones come into her territory, so is being a bit grumbly, but watching her body language, its all front, so suspect she will be playing with them soon enough especially as they are just looking at her grumbling with a "reeeaaaaaally" look on their faces! :nod:
They are living in the living room atm so they have a see through door to watch the dogs and 3rd cat, the slightly more prickly Maisie in the rest of the house. So, so far all going well :thumbup:
Two very beautiful coonies! Love Dizzy's name! I know it's not jazz related but the beautiful red girl looks like a 'Daisy' to me!
They are gorgeous but Dizzy is something else what a magnificent Coonie probably, next to my Maisie of course, the most handsome I have seen but then of course there is Teddybearz and all the others I have met here.
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