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Thread: What dry food do you feed your cats?

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  1. #1
    Cool Cat
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    What dry food do you feed your cats?

    Mine have been on James Wellbeloved ever since we've had them (Mitch is 9 years old now). I noticed a few weeks ago that all three of my cats have had really hard poos and last week poor Ally ended up really constipated and I had to take him to the vets for an enema to get him moving. Even after that his poo was rock hard. I can only assume that as all three cats are affected that JWB have changed the recipe for their biscuits. I'm obviously going to have to change their food so that tolieting is normal. What does everybody else feed? Also if any of you do feed JWB have you had the same problem?



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  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    I can't give specific advice regarding maine coons, as we only got our first at christmas and 2 more this week, but I have had cats all my adult life so this is a general advice. All our animals, dogs, moggies and coonies are on Hills Science plan, though we are about to see whether weaning the cats over on Royal Canin maine coon kibble agrees with them. However the HSP has always been excellent and caused no problems with any of them [they just don't have a large kibble version for large jawed coonies]. We also give them tuna [tins in spring water] and good quality cat meat as a treat a couple of times a week which they all enjoy [ok, the dogs get dog meat ;-) ]

    I know there are many that recommend RAW feeding, but it really isn't a route I want to go down when the animals are so obviously happy and healthy on kibble diets, but I can see an argument for it.

    However, I guess the main bit of advice is to make sure it is the food causing him problems and not an underlying problem [or a change in type needed, to a senior food perhaps] and if you do change, introduce it gently, mixed with current food initially to reduce the risk of any tummy upsets.

    The only experience I have had with JW food was we were given a bag with one of the dogs as part of some promotion, and even a vacuum cleaner of a jack russell wasn't particularly fond of it, but like anything, its horses for courses.

    Good luck and I hope Mitch feels better, or rather 'relieved' soon!

  3. #3
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    Mine are mostly wet food fed but for their bikkie allowance I use the Hills natures best & the RC dental or Hairball & have found they suit them well,the RC Mainecoon bikkie upset their tums which ain't good with flowing trousers,having said that I have just got some Sanabelle to try as some forum members have mentioned it so will see how things go with that as they also do a dental one too....x

  4. #4
    Happy Kitten
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    I feed all mine various flavours of royal canin, a mixture of fit 32 and dental usually. My coonies get the odd bits of coonie biccie but I have smaller moggies so dont freely feed it. Most people I know with coonies (and that seems to be quite a lot lol) feed royal canin.

    To be honest if their food has changed they may adapt over a couple of weeks, it could be they need extra water with it and they will up their intake themselves. I do hate it when they change the recipes!!!!

    I hope they are ok. xx

  5. #5
    Cool Cat
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    Thanks for your replies. It has to be something to do with the food as they've all been affected and poor Ally the worst. I did speak to the vet about it and asked what she thought about introducing some wet food and she agreed that as long as it was good quality it should help, so we're trying that at the moment and giving them all some seperately so we know they've all had a bit. Will have to do changes a bit at a time or we could end up with the opposite problem. I do occassionally feed them the Royal Canin Maine Coon.

    Professional pet portraits which are unique and hand drawn using the finest quality pastels and paper.

  6. #6
    Top Cat
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    For now the boys have settled on Sanabelle Grande. While not grain free, it seems to agree wth them and they like it. If you read the ingredients list/analysis on JWB and RC (they are the same company, same factory) it's mostly rice or wheat or similar. Not great for cats who are obligate carnivores and normally carbohydtrates and starches just rot on their way through and stink. If you want to try grain gree then go for either Orijen or Applaws - I have tried both b the boys prefer the large kibble of the Sanabelle and the RC MC gives at least two of them the runs. On the other hand, without knowing how long they may have had Giardisis this could change the food profile big time. I am going to test them on Applaws (I have an unopened bag) later in the year.




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