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Making beds the MC way
Tips for making a bed in a Maine Coon house: -
Furtively choose a time when there are no cats around then quickly put a sheet on.
Don’t worry about getting it ‘smooth’ (a distant memory from pre ‘coonie days)
No matter how fast you do this first bit, by now your efforts will have drawn some volunteer ‘helpers’
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In a multi cat household, each has their assigned task although I’m still not clear how these are allocated. In this house, Max has the job of getting into the clean cover while Poppy nests in the duvet. Sophie lies on the sheet to make sure it doesn’t move.
Wrestle until the duvet is in the cover. Do a final check for cats before you fasten it. If the duvet is too heavy you've missed one.
Put duvet on bed. (Now the duvet cover cat takes the place of the sheet guarding one.)
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At this point they all decide that they too would like to hide under the duvet but often can’t remember how to do this. A lot of sitting on each other is involved.
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Leave them to get on with this and go and have a cup of coffee.
Know that you wouldn't want it any other way.:satisfied:
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Reminds me of Moonlight.....:rofl:
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It doesn't matter how quietly I sneak upstairs to change the beds, and it doesnt matter which bed either, I will be followed by Obi, who likes to burrow under the duvet on the floor or under the bottom sheet as I try to tuck it in leaving a massive purring lump, and Willow who proceeds to sit on his head. I often abandon the job and leave them to it for a while. After a few minutes playing pounce, they like a snooze on the crumpled linen. I'm not sure why I iron my bedding as it never looks like I have. I wouldn't have it any other way..Attachment 5690
OMG!! Indeed a funtastic description..I had only one MC n now n I remeber the moment i was ready to make the bed he would be just on the middle n struggling to make sure tht the sheet is not moving....but you described it so well...Now.. have 2 domestic n 4 little devils..omg .I don know what is going to happen with my bed when the little cuties become big..:rofl: Thank you for the photographs n the beautiful narration..I felt as if I am there ..
Brilliantly documented & the pictures just add that little bit more authenticity,thank you.....x
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