Advice wanted
Hiya...I have 3 cats already...a female and 2 males..they are all 1 year old...i got them from the same place and all hve been together since birth.....one is mixed with Maine Coon we think...anyway i really want to get a Maine Coon however my dad has said that the 3 I already have will all start weeing all over to mark territory if I bring in another cat....
All 3 are neutered and go outside to the loo, they never have accidents and I haven't had a litter box for many months since they were a lot smaller...
Does anyone know if this is true what my dad says?
Will it be unfair to bring a Maine Coon into the family?
When they are neutered normally no cat is marking anymore.
We had first 2 cats, one female and one male and got later on 2 other male cats and non of them marked anywhere although the last two boys were neurated only one week before and they were used in a breed. After they had been neurated the male cats have hormone until 6 weeks and in this time they could mark but they didn't.
When you buy a kitten which will be neurated earlier then a cat coming used in a breed nothing will happen and I am sure you present cats will not start to mark anywhere.
Providing you introduce the new kitten sensibly and don't make the others feel pushed out, there shouldn't be any problems. Make sure you spend time with all the cats to reassure them, have your new baby neutered at the appropriate time, and though there are bound to be scraps until the pecking order is established, imam sure they will all soon settle without any spraying.
I agree with her mine and Musicalife. Provided you manage the introductions carefully, there should be no spraying. My first coonie Oscar has been introduced to two kittens at different times. Despite being a bit dominant and a few "handbags" he never sprayed in the house. Good luck!
Pretty much as above, make the introductions sensible and all will be well. I did once have a neutered female moggy many years ago, who was a really sad case anyway thanks to spending her first 5 yrs of life almost totally unsocialised with humans or other cats [I was really proud to give her another 16yrs of life, despite the regular hand biting and other problems, she would have been put to sleep if I hadn't taken her on] so when I introduce a new kitten, she did mark both with wee and poop for a few weeks, but she was a very special case and it is rare.
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