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Thread: Should I do it or not ?

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  1. #1
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    Should I do it or not ?

    Hi everyone,
    I have been thinking about adding another coonie to our family for some time now. I am just worried with Dexter(my 2 years old, Maine Coon) attitude. I have two outdoor cats that sometime will come in for a bite to eat of sleep on the sofa if the weather is not good. Dexter is unable to leave them alone !! As soon as they come in dex is on the hunt. He will stalked & follow them where ever they go. He will not hiss at them but will jump on their backs and cause a fight.

    Dex is alone at home during the day & we would really like for him to have companionship when we are at work but I really don't know how he would do with a kitten. I certainly would not want the new kitty to get hurt.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this ?

    Here he is
    Should I do it or not ?-dexter.jpg

  2. #2
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    awww he is such a beauty. We have just added 2 girls, but the age difference is only a few months. Cleo is getting used to the new girls slowly and we have only had a few hissy moments.We separated the new girls for about a week, Cleo was able to see them but not get to them. I have two dogs as well, so they both needed time to adjust to them. They don't rough and tumble but given time and I'm sure they will. I had the same reservations about getting another let alone two. But now I'm glad I did.

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  4. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    I had the same reservations after seeing Archibald react to an unneutered 'stray' my boyfriend took pity on and brought in ( just sort of dropped him in the middle of the apartment when I wasn't home, so I came home to two *very* angry kitties). Turns out the injured 'stray' was someones 'pet' ( I don't think I can use that term loosely enough, don't get me started on the so called owners). At any rate, the stray went to his real home and I second guessed my ideas of getting another cat. Then I met Winston, and well it just had to work because he claimed me.

    I took him home, did proper catroductions and as it turns out they learned to get along just fine. At first it was pretty one sided, Archie going after Winston all the time. But then as Winston got used to his new home, it balanced out. They are currently playing chase and sounding like a herd of elephants. All is well here, and I eventually want at least one more I say go for it, just do proper intros. Oh and one thing that I found really seemed to help Archie accept having a new roomie was making sure to spend time with just him. I guess it reassured him that I was still his human too? Good luck!!

  5. #4
    Elite Cat
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    Dex is gorgeous..I don think there will be any problem in adding a new coonie...My MC was very friendly when I added a Domestic to our family..

  6. #5
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    It sounds to me like Dexter is trying to play with the other cats, as there is no hissing going on. Could be that he loves a bit of feline company so when another cat appears he is overly boisterous and wants to get on with play-fighting. My cats often have quite violent wrestling matches which do look quite alarming but they never hurt each other and it's all play. Certainly if Dexter is alone all day it's likely that he's lonely and would love a companion.

    So....go get one! xxx And post some pics!

  7. #6
    Elite Cat
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    I think another Coonie is a good idea! It's not good for him that he is alone the whole day whereas the other two cats are outside.
    He will be much more relaxed with friend at his side.
    Regine with Finchen, Caruso, Daffy & Idaho

  8. #7
    Elite Cat
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    Can I ask, why is he indoor and the other two outdoor? Wouldn't it be easier to allow those three to integrate? If he is not tolerant of cats he "knows" invading his space, I can't see how having another Maine Coon will pan out any differently. I'd socialise him with the other cats in the first instance.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caternity Leave View Post
    Can I ask, why is he indoor and the other two outdoor? Wouldn't it be easier to allow those three to integrate? If he is not tolerant of cats he "knows" invading his space, I can't see how having another Maine Coon will pan out any differently. I'd socialise him with the other cats in the first instance.
    My other two cats are SPCA rescues they are 8 and 6 years old, They were always outdoor and don't really want to spend too much time indoor but when they come in Dexter stalks them like crazy. He never hiss at them but do want to jump on their back and paws at them wich they don't seem to tolerate.

    At this point i am trying to determine if Dex "way of saying Hi" is just misundertood. The other cats are older and not very tolerant.




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