very thin maine coon
Hello, everyone
Need a little advice.. My two year old maine coon in very thin- Extremely active, playing all the time with his DSH brother.
He weighs 16 lbs, but you can feel every bone in his back.
He was bred from parents who were both negative for CMYBP-C HCM DNA MUTATION. Never the less, he still had an ultrasound last summer becasue there was a very faint murmer (grade one, it turned out, but better safe than sorry)
He has had juvenile gingivitis also, but that seems to have resolved.
He eats fine also.
Could it be just a growth spurt? Any suggestions ?
I am taking him for another check up on Wednesday.
My two year old female is only about 14 pounds, she's thin, but sleek and slender. We can feel her bones but it doesn't seem to be at all unhealthy. She's a stark contrast to her brother who is 24 pounds andy solid as a rock. Hope your boy is fine, and that he make up is just the same as my girls!
My maine coon boy is 14 lbs at almost two years. He is a little bony too, but the vet didn't seem worried. She said that he will probably fill out a bit more in the next year or so as maine coons don't always reach their full adult stature until a bit after other kitties. Just make sure everything is ok at the vet :)
One tall long lean very boney 10yr old in this household who has never hit 7kg in his life but perfectly fit,a lot depends on the breeding lines too...
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My two year old boy tends to be quite thin too - unlike my two well-upholstered girls. Like yours he's very active. For a time I was quite anxious and although I wondered if it was a growth spurt, I also thought it could possibly be food related. I started to try out a variety of foods, trying to avoid grain - to see if i could entice him to eat more.
To supplement their wet food I found that he will happily sit for ages picking Almo Nature chicken kibbles out of the cat activity centre feeder and also seems to prefer Sanabelle to the RC Maine Coon kibbles. Now all three dry foods are available for them to free feed.
Now he's eating more I can't feel his spine so easily and his coat is better too.
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Hope all goes well for you.
My 3 are 1 year old next Sunday. That's what the Jubilee is all about. Lily is having diamonds :koolkat:
She is only 3.9 Kg (8.6lbs) She gets longer and longer and taller and taller but just never bulks up. She has a good appetite though admittedly not as good as the boys and is very active. In contrast, one of her litter mates, Arnold, is 6.6 Kg (14.5lbs). Jock is somewhere in between at 4.4 Kg (9.7lbs).
I'd prefer they were all Arnold built but it is largely beyond my control.
My Monty is long and lean and tall and slinky and has never quite hit 6kgs. His littermate Larry is stocky and bulky and a whole kilo heavier. They couldn't be more different in stature and in character, you'd never think they were brothers. I think Larry's Dad must have been the milkman!
Ella has got very leggy and rangy at 10mths old, she is as tall and long as the other two now, but they [unrelated to her] are built like Shermann tanks at 14mths old, whilst she is all skin and bone, however she eats & drinks well, toilets well, plays energetically and is as bright and as charming as ever, so like everyone else, we are putting it down to just being the way she is. They are all off to the vets week after next for vacinations, and Ella for her spay [a season every 4 weeks has got beyond a joke for a non breeding cat] so I have already sounded out our vet about giving her a once over just to be sure, but we are not unduly worried in fairness.
Thanks,everyone! dr says hes fine, a little too thin, but he said he will fill out soon enough .He eats friskies canned and blue buffalo wildnerness for dry, it seems to be the only thing he will eat.
thanks again for all the information...
my m.c is is 2 and hes the same! a leggy boy! started filling out the last few months i wouldnt worry . i thought he was too thin could feel his back bone and his hip :( convinced there was something wrong with him but all okay and now growing very nicely indeed x
This thread has made me feel a whole lot better about Max being thin. It's one of the reasons the forum is so great - there's always someone else who has experienced the same issues!
Same deal with Elvis, he just turned 3 and is finally filling out to where his ribs and backbone are less prominent.
Bit late, but what do you give him to eat? Sometimes it helps a lot to give the cat good meat..ore good can food ..and as much as he like. And sometimes a MC is very slim and small..look at the parrents from your cat...if they bin small...most of the time the offspring is not big.
And a other note...DNA for HCM tells you nothing..its not sure the cat never get HCM ...its a little part of dna what they found and they must found a lot more dna parts to get a full DNA result. Of the breeder told you that he can get no HCM than the breeder is not telling you the truth
Beter buy a kitten who's parrents get the ultrasound ...it's also not sure but if the breeder test this every 2 ore 3 years with the cats/...you bin more sure that they have no HCM signs than with the DNA :winkwink: I hope you can read my english and understand it :LOL:
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