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Thread: New Maine Coon/Pixie Bob kitten

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    New Maine Coon/Pixie Bob kitten

    Hello Everyone!

    I am very new to the forums and Maine Coons altogether ! So please be easy with me I got a beautiful kitten from a co worker who claims he is a Maine Coon/ Pixie bob Mix. He sure does look like it and I'm just wondering what you all think. He has all of the traits of a maine coon and pixie bob. He is extremely smart and follows me everywhere ! I taught him how to stand on his hind legs in just a couple of days. He was born on March 7th and is about 4 or 5 pounds now. So what do you all think ? His Mom was Maine Coon with a long tail and the dad was a big pixie bob. I met both.

    Also. I feed him only wet food ( I have heard mixed feelings on this and am wondering what you all think). I feed him BLUE Wilderness and about a can and a half of the small cans in a day split up in 3 meals. I also give him about 4 Greenie treats a day (just started this about a week ago) and he loves them. When he was younger he was scared of them lol.

    New Maine Coon/Pixie Bob kitten-img_0063-1-.jpgNew Maine Coon/Pixie Bob kitten-img_0130-1-.jpgNew Maine Coon/Pixie Bob kitten-img_0116-1-.jpgThank you all in advance !

  2. #2
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    He has a very sweet innocent face bless him,as for the mixture of those particular breeds have to say I don't know what to expect in looks but that doesn't matter he sounds a bundle of fun & certainly has the MC traits of following you everywhere & learning quick.
    As a babe I would suggest at the moment you feed him to the amount that he wants,MC babes don't half pack it away & they do an awful lot of growth in the early weeks, I mostly wet feed mine but with some biscuit {some people feed just dry or even raw}if you do want to use biscuit make sure you get a good make,the other thing I do with mine as they were put onto adult food early was to add in a vitamin supplement for a while to help while they are growing,as for the treats well of course they are very frightening to such a sensitive babe could have bit him instead of the other way round,very sensible of him to be sure about them before approaching,one can't be too careful........
    Keep us up to date with your babe & more pictures plus his name please....x
    brightlight23 likes this.

  3. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Thank you very much His name is Ari and if you can't tell his tail is bobbed as well. The dad was a huge pixie bob and the mom a decent sized MC. I hear that all wet food is the way to go so id rather not get dry food ( or biscuit if thats the same thing ?) Correct me if I'm wrong. He eats up the amount of food I give him but do you think that sounds like enough ? Should I give him more ? Vet claims he is growing healthy but I know they are a huge breed and can probably eat a lot.

    I doubt my co worker would show me a pixie bob and maine coon and lie about them mating so i'm sure he is a Pixie Bob/ MC but I just haven't seen people cross these breeds at all online. I've been searching but no one seems to have info or have any MC/Pixie bobs so I thought it was strange.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Dismuke View Post
    Thank you very much His name is Ari and if you can't tell his tail is bobbed as well. The dad was a huge pixie bob and the mom a decent sized MC. I hear that all wet food is the way to go so id rather not get dry food ( or biscuit if thats the same thing ?) Correct me if I'm wrong. He eats up the amount of food I give him but do you think that sounds like enough ? Should I give him more ? Vet claims he is growing healthy but I know they are a huge breed and can probably eat a lot.

    I doubt my co worker would show me a pixie bob and maine coon and lie about them mating so i'm sure he is a Pixie Bob/ MC but I just haven't seen people cross these breeds at all online. I've been searching but no one seems to have info or have any MC/Pixie bobs so I thought it was strange.
    Wether it is by accident or planned there are a lot more MC crosses available now,think thats why a lot more breeders are having their kittens neutered before they leave them so the breeding terms cannot be abused but if its is an accidental mating then it is giving some interesting new lines..... Don't quite know what Ari would be classed as,a Coonbob I reckon.Yes did notice his tail.
    Yep biscuit is the same as dried food,a little won't hurt him just as a sprinkle on top of his meal,thats all mine have just adds a little more to fill them up a bit but with his wet food try him with more & see what happens,if he is not a greedy cat he will say thanks I don't need no more,if he is like one of mine just keeps eating for the sake of eatin then it will be up to you to say you have had enough,my piggy boy to try & make him ease up a couple of times we just kept filling his dish continually & he kept eating until he made himself physically sick then he said ok fill up again if you don't mind,him we know what he needs & he gets fed away from the others,you will get to know what your babe needs.It never amazes me with the MC how much they pile away in the first part of their growing life but when they mature it drops off to no more than a normal cat,in fact when some people come into work & say what their domestic cat eats my shopping basket seems small especially considering I have six of the darlings.
    Last edited by jckkerrison; 10th June 2012 at 10:41 AM.

  5. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Thank you so much for the info JCK I am glad I found a forum to go where I can speak with people as much in love with the MC as I am ! Thank you all for the comments yes he is very handsome, curious, and active. Always wants to play half fetch ( I call it half fetch because he loves for me to throw the ball while he runs after it but he never brings it back lol)

    My co worker said it was not an accidental breeding though. He has actually bred that same maine coon female and pixie bob male before a couple of times he said he breeds them like that because he loves the mix and that MC and Pixie bobs are the smartest most interesting breed.
    jckkerrison likes this.

  6. #6
    Elite Cat
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    'My co worker said it was not an accidental breeding though. He has actually bred that same maine coon female and pixie bob male before a couple of times he said he breeds them like that because he loves the mix and that MC and Pixie bobs are the smartest most interesting breed'

    Wow, how interesting. He's beautiful.

    When I got my Casco I was totally bamboozled by the diet question. I was told by the breeder and my vet to feed dry as wet food is effectively pointless as it’s just full of water. But I never really bought this, because my childhood moggy only ever ate tinned felix and lived to 19 with no health problems.

    Then I started talking to someone at work whose cats had various urinary problems due to eating dry food only. I subsequently read up on raw feeding and became even more confused... I had no idea what to do and there is just so much contradictory information on the internet about cat nutrition. it’s beyond a joke!

    Anyway, to this day i'm none the wiser but decided on a wet/dry mix so Casco has good quality dry down all day and I give him 1 pouch of wet in the evening. He has also has a raw egg yolk mixed into the wet once a week as it seems to make his coat extra shiny! He'll also get an occasional treat of raw mince or steak.

    He’s a happy little chappy, full of energy and bright eyed and bushy tailed so I must be doing something right.

    Enjoy your babe, he really is lovely.
    Last edited by Sketches; 10th June 2012 at 03:52 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Dismuke View Post
    Always wants to play half fetch ( I call it half fetch because he loves for me to throw the ball while he runs after it but he never brings it back lol)
    Keep going with the throwing,the day Ari clicks on that bringing it back to you results in more fun having it thrown again will be the day you wished you had never started it,like with dogs you will tire of it a lot quicker than him,has he got a favourite mouse that is normally the first toy mine will retrieve.
    Any chance that you could get a photo of mum & dad to post would be great to see his parents...?

  8. #8
    Elite Cat
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    he is too cute..

  9. #9
    Elite Cat
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    What cute "little" boy! I whish you both lots of funny and lovely years!
    Regine with Finchen, Caruso, Daffy & Idaho




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