Here we go with Merlyn. Cat number three for Jackie.:smile:
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Here we go with Merlyn. Cat number three for Jackie.:smile:
Hello Meryln, another good likeness developing x
I agree brightlight,I know they are my cats but I can't believe how easy it is to pick up each individual one just from Jo's outline,already she has that cats peronality coming through,told Merlyn while he was sprawled out beside me this morning that its his turn for the limelight,got extra purrs & drools so take it he is pleased.......
I look forward to this time of day to see the update on my furry & can't believe how you can notice so well the slightly more almond shaped eye he has got to the other two that have been done,luv it....
I'll be waiting for the whiskers again :rofl:x
That's going to be a stunning portrait - you are such a handsome boy Merlyn!
I am allways so fascinated from these pictures :AddEmoticons00918: