Similar problem here - we're currently scanning the second hand adverts sections of local papers for a small chest freezer.
Natural Frozen Pet Foods - Prize Choice - The Natural Food for Healthy Animals is the one we have used. The big bags of fish fillet Frozen Wholemeat Fish Fillet Chunks really do not last long :D
From that webpage, at the top there is a link to BARF club ( Heheh, that could have been named a bit better bit still.. :) ) which also does raw food.
Delivery has been very quick and comes in a polystyrene box, ala Food 4 Cats style.
So far, Storvenn and Loki enjoy heart chucks, fish fillet, beef chunks and are a bit 50/50 on the breast fillet.
Great - that was the site we preferred but I am not sure about whether we can do the £60 minimum order, in fact, I am pretty sure that even if we stopped freezing food for ourselves we still wouldn't - unfortunately we just have a shelf at the top of our fridge type freezer. Good idea about scanning the small ads, I think that is the way forward here.
We are currently just buying him fresh meat and cutting it into chunks, and actually, he seems very happy, possibly more so than the minced food. He eats better than we do ;)
After carefully considering all the suggested replacements, I have finally decided on Berriewoods. There doesn't appear to be any minimum order that I can see. Plus their blocks of frozen meat are a pound in weight.
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