Meet Sam
Ooooo what a gorgeous baby! Those ears! That face! The fluffy bib! He's adorable.
Aww he's such a cutey congrats on the new arrival!
What a cutie. Enjoy your new kitten. He's adorable!
Thanks all, he's certainly turned the house in to a play zone & he's put my boarder collie in his place!
He is so handsome. Best wishes for a lifetime of health & happiness.
Welcome you little boy to your new home and we wish you lots of years filled with love!
Thank you all! He seems to like getting us up at 5:45am!
I would forgive him the 5:45am because he's SO cute!!
Lol, I don't know how anyone could get mad at him! He's extremly affectionate when he wants to be, loves having his belly rubbed while he sleeps
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