Meet Sam
Ooooo what a gorgeous baby! Those ears! That face! The fluffy bib! He's adorable.
Aww he's such a cutey congrats on the new arrival!
What a cutie. Enjoy your new kitten. He's adorable!
Thanks all, he's certainly turned the house in to a play zone & he's put my boarder collie in his place!
He is so handsome. Best wishes for a lifetime of health & happiness.
Welcome you little boy to your new home and we wish you lots of years filled with love!
Thank you all! He seems to like getting us up at 5:45am!
I would forgive him the 5:45am because he's SO cute!!
Lol, I don't know how anyone could get mad at him! He's extremly affectionate when he wants to be, loves having his belly rubbed while he sleeps
He looks and sounds like a real little character already. Do keep us posted about his antics. :)
How long would they normally take to settle in? He seemed right at home from the minuite we opened the box to let him out, the breeder did a really good job with him & he seems very social
Sounds like he's well socialised indeed. Our first Coonie Tatja settled in straight away too. So did El Monto, even though he was stalked for over a day by Tatja before she accepted him. Little Minnie took somewhat longer to feel at ease but of course she had two big housemates to deal with (and show them who's boss, lol).
Caruso and Finchen where a little afraid the first week but Daffy and Idaho needs exactly 1 minute to feel home
It'a always different from cat to cat but I guess, Kitten are more easy when coming to their new home
Also he was the only one in the litter but had other cats & his mum about,
Aww he's gorgeous!! :)
Take lots of pics as it's amazing how much they grow :)
What a sweetie :winkwink:
That last picture of him tucked up asleep really makes the heart strings twang....x
Thanks everyone!
He's taken over a bit, the dogs not to happy but getting used to him
They are a simply amazing breed of cat! I love the little chirpy noises he makes when he's playing or when he comes in to the room, he's so pleased to see us when we get home & comes running up to greet us!
Happy 3 months birthday! Such a cute picture. I want to give him a ton of kisses & cuddles.
He such a cutie. Enjoy your new kitten. X
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