Which genre of music, lifts a Coon's ears?
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One of our four current MCs does seem to enjoy music. She will often go lie in front of the hifi when it is on. The other three, though, do not seem to enjoy it, particularly if it is on fairly loudly. They will typically leave the room. Have in fact seen multiple of these cats at a time flatten their ears down when there are particular sounds in a song. That is a sign it is disturbing them.
Maybe we have to more fully, consider which musical genre lifts a Coon's ears:)*Roy
Primal Music is attractive to cat's?
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On a 3 hr trip back from the west of Ireland last week we played this C.D by an excellent band from Mali called Tinariwen for "Winston" who was moaning about being locked in his basket in the back of the car.
He pretty much stopped moaning and was listening intently.
I think he's a fan like us :LOL:
YouTube - Tinariwen - Lulla
Feeling the primal power of Tuareg resistance music, I downloaded Tinariwen's album Amassakoui from iTunes. I also downloaded the album Ishumar (Mali-Niger Touaregs) for the very raw Tinariwen track 'Nezagh ajba'. Maybe cats can relate to the primal roots inherent in this genre of music? (Primal as in relating to an early stage in evolutionary development; primeval : primal hunting societies.) Interesting:)*Roy