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Thread: It's Been a While but we have been busy....

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    Elite Cat
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    It's Been a While but we have been busy....

    Hey all! Its been a while since I posted, but we have been quite busy, especially on the MC front. Some of you may recall me asking about building a cat run..... well, after some messing around, we convinced my dad and his wife to leave Wales and come and spend some time in London - nearly a week to be exact. Everyone mucked in to help, Dad, his wife Pat, myself and Jonathan and our daughter Beth and her b/f Andrew. It's not finished yet, thats a job for over the summer [if we ever get one] but it is cat proofed and the MC's can now enjoy some fresh air every day. So, I of course took some snaps, nothing artisitic, sorry, but you get the idea.

    1 - this was what it was like before we started

    YWP_0942 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr

    2 - all the shrubs removed, and the uprights are in

    YWP_2023 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr

    3 - my dad and Pat start adding the mesh

    YWP_2026 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr

    4 - mesh complete, including roof, gate on and Abbie tries it out for size

    YWP_2073 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr

    5 - Dizzy surveys his new domain

    YWP_2075 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr

    6 - Ella investigates the furthest corners. We have thrown a few toys in there while I find time [and weather] to start constructing more permanent play things

    YWP_2076 by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr

    Anyway, they love it and spend hours out there every day. I plan on replacing about half the grass with gravel or similar and adding a water feature, some planted pots and of course, shelves, ladders, toys etc....




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