Am I a main coon?
He's a real cutie! He may well have some Maine Coon in his ancestry - photos 4 and 5 look definitely Maine Coon ish - I think he's gorgeous anyway :nod:
I would say he is a mix but y very cute one!
I think he is a mix..because tufts from ears and the on - back sleep is really maine coonish..Whether he is an MC or not, I think he is so lovable n he loves ur family..He is lucky to have a lovely home..And , he is handsome..May he fill your life with lots of fun in the coming days and for many years..
thnx for the photos..
That pic of him led on his back he does look like one! Fluffy belly!
Very relaxed MC pose lying asleep but I think his face looks very oriental in some of the pictures,but he is very handsome & cuddly ...x
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