Yes true, which cat isn't a Da Bird fan!
Is Dexter the only boy you have Bethy, the rest girls? I'm asking because i'm hoping to get another coonie soon and wondering if males generally get on with each other.
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Yes true, which cat isn't a Da Bird fan!
Is Dexter the only boy you have Bethy, the rest girls? I'm asking because i'm hoping to get another coonie soon and wondering if males generally get on with each other.
Dexter is my only boy, the other 3 are girls. I think 4 girls ay have been too many! I'm pretty sure there are others on the forum who have mostly boys though, so they may be better to comment!
Thanks Bethy, i'll have a look through the other threads and see whats been said on the subject.
Your cats are lovely, my OH would never let me have that many, your very lucky!
Dexter continues to love his feathers, and often brings me his feather stick to play with. His favourite thing to do is backflips.
Again, we have to lock away the feather stick at night because otherwise he tenderly places it on my face during the night, and will then do repeat run and jumps at it. Doesn't make for a good nights sleeps!!
Loved watch this - he's so agile and determined! Going to see if my two can do back flips tomorrow, but I don't think they are as talented as Dexter!