So....should I?!
So have been suffering terrible empty nest syndrome since my kittens left, I don't know how you breeders do it!!
While chatting to a friend they mentioned another friend etc etc...anyway, they have this little fella going. Not MC, but what do you think??
Should I take the dive?!:giddy:
Yep right in at the deep end {although not too sure about the colour.....!!!!!!}
When can you go & collect...xxx
He's only 6 weeks so a few more weeks yet. You always do hate the reds!!
He's quite big and apparently refusing to even touch his solid food at the moment...his poor mother!!
He has attitude,stands him in good stead for meeting Poif & Ffion. Have you decided yet or is it still wavering time,would you rather have a third MC...?
How I wish I did hate reds when my breeder friend has any have to make sure they are booked before going to see them & if they are with white oh dear,do luv having all the different colours in our house though at least its a good start towards getting their names right first time.
I'd love another MC, but honestly i just can't afford one now. Been hankering for a red for a while now and he does seem pretty fluffy and gorgeous.
Not fully decided yet but am leaning toward a yes...
Ohhhh - sooo gorgeous ... go on, you know you want too!!! :rofl:
Oh he is so pretty. What kind of kitty is he?
He's a classic moggy!! I think he looks like he has some MC features, but mostly he's just fat! Hope to see him soon to get some more pics. Apparently at just under 7 weeks he still isn't weaned!! Never known a kitten to be so resistant to turning onto meat!
P.S Think I'm gonna call him Dexter Morgan!
Thats decided then,named & shamed he is coming home to you....
Tell his mum to give up letting him onto the milk bar he is big enough to look after himself....x
Why ask, you know the answer is YES! He's lovely.
Go go go! I see a future bruiser there. With puppy eyes to make you forgive anything.
Ha ha, he is adorable. Does anybody think that ginger cats are slightly more affectionate than other colours?
Hmmm, so spoke to Dexter's Mummy and she informs me that he still isn't eating, and is refusing to wean. :S He's 8 weeks on Thursday.
So far she has tried offering just milk (for cats) - he refused
Kitten meat - refused
warm meat and milk - refused
dabbing food on his mouth - he runs away
kitten biscuits - refuses
Apparently she has witnessed him eating the cat litter. I know thats normal with initial litter training, but he's been trained for weeks... Mummy cat is still happily feeding him milk, but he's not as plump as the weaned kitten. There is one other kitten that is refusing to wean.
Any advice? I don't know what else to suggest to her?! Should we be worried?
If he were a puppy I would not be allowing him access to his mother, so he has to wean - has he seen a vet? Seems rather strange.
So think there has been a breakthrough. She decided to separate kittens from Mum for a while, at the same time offering meat on a spoon and clearing away all litter. It took about an hour but kittens started to show interest. One only ate when individually fed food one piece of meat at a time. Tiresome, but progress all the same!!
So...I did it, and he's all mine and loveliness!! May I introduce you to Dexter Morgan
He's not much of a meat eater at the moment, but is eating plenty of biscuits!
Ahhhh - so gorgeous and cuddly! Making me broody again :nod:
I love his dainty paw in these pics! He loves a lap cuddle and has already bonded with Poiffy quite well. Think perhaps my household needed a boy to stabilise things.
Oh what a sweety!!! Wish you lots of many lovely years with this cute boy
Don't just think about it mum turn the day into a "pets at work" one......x
he is lovely ... hmmm i want one !
Dexter is now 13.5 weeks and absolutely hilarious. He's such a clown and he knows he's funny too!! His latest obsession is my OH dirty socks, finds them and spends hours killing them. Today my OH left his sock drawer slightly ajar, oh how well Dexter hunted those socks!!
Here's some of the latest pics.
He was properly growling at the sock in this picture
Isn't he handsome?!
He certainly is a handsome young man....how many of OH socks are now one down for a pair,makes a change from the washing machine loosing one.....x
Pictures made me laugh out loud! He's adorable :nod:
OH came home at lunch to find 7 random socks strewn about the bedroom! None of them matched. Will keep him busy hunting them down I suppose! :)
Dexter continues to bring us endless pleasure is the house. He is a proper comedian, and very very affectionate. He definitely hs his paws firmly under the table. He has bonded strongly with Poif, Ffion is very changeable with him, sometimes she'll play with him and at other times will be very aggressive and mean to him. He's trying to win Delphy over, but he's just a bit too excitable for her at the moment.
Thought I'd post some of the latest pics...
Kiss my paw...
More cuddles
Playing in our bed, his favourite game!
Especially when interspersed with morning cuddles...I am ALWAYS late for work because of this!!
A keen hunter, here he has captured 'Da Bird'!
And finally cuddles with Daddy
Wow, he's grown! And so affectionate... I'm amazed you can bring yourself to to leave for work at all. :LOL:
He's beautiful, I see he's a fan of Da Bird!
They are all a fan of Da bird, it's sends them all insane!!! Have to keep it hidden away in a locked cupboard!
Yes true, which cat isn't a Da Bird fan!
Is Dexter the only boy you have Bethy, the rest girls? I'm asking because i'm hoping to get another coonie soon and wondering if males generally get on with each other.
Dexter is my only boy, the other 3 are girls. I think 4 girls ay have been too many! I'm pretty sure there are others on the forum who have mostly boys though, so they may be better to comment!
Thanks Bethy, i'll have a look through the other threads and see whats been said on the subject.
Your cats are lovely, my OH would never let me have that many, your very lucky!
Dexter continues to love his feathers, and often brings me his feather stick to play with. His favourite thing to do is backflips.
Again, we have to lock away the feather stick at night because otherwise he tenderly places it on my face during the night, and will then do repeat run and jumps at it. Doesn't make for a good nights sleeps!!
Loved watch this - he's so agile and determined! Going to see if my two can do back flips tomorrow, but I don't think they are as talented as Dexter!
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