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Thread: Marshall Bravestarr is 6 Months Old

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    Marshall Bravestarr is 6 Months Old

    Marshall is 6 months old now!!! I am amazed at how big he has grown, I thought it would be much slower, hes about 4.5kg now and getting very confident! He is obsessed with bottle tops and plastic lids from containers I really didnt need to invest in any cat toys these have him occupied for hours! He is the sweetest boy still and loves a big cuddle! So here he is at the big old age of 6 Months!

    Good morning marshmallow by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    6 months today!! by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    Marshall chilling out by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    Almost 6 months old!! by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    Thanks for topping by!

    Christin & Marshall

    keep up to date with the adventures of Marshall and Zelda at their blog! or @zeldamarshall on instagram




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