7 Attachment(s)
Panzer and Sherman!
Pictures as promised :smile: . They are lovely but absolutely crazy! Keep worrying about them hurting each other. They seem to prefer playing with each other in their mad moments but play with us most of the day too. Does it matter if one hisses when the other tries to get the toy off them.... wasn't sure if that was normal or if we should discourage it. They are both fascinated by the tv and stare whenever we have it on! They seem big and chunky but don't know how much they weigh, do they look about right for 12-13 weeks? Dad is big so......... Oh and thankyou to whoever recommended the catit track thing with the ball in- theylove it so much :smile:
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Oh sooooooo cute - they are absolutely adorable!! I wouldn't worry about the hissing - I think its perfectly natural. Mine do it occasionally but there's never any aggression. And MC's do play rough so again it's unlikely that they'll hurt each other. Enjoy them - it's brilliant that they have each other to grow up with :nod:.
Aw gorgeous babies and I LOVE the names!
Awww check them out. Too cute x
Oh wow I love them :) :) :)
So cute! They're adorable. Have fun!
They are so cute. They will grow to be the tanks they're named after one day as MC's are huge kitties.
9 Attachment(s)
Hi everyone- I have taken so many photos of these two since we have had them so thought I'd upload a few more. They are 17weeks now and really developing their own personalities :-) It seems like they have been here forever. They are gorgeous- really loveable and entertaining too :-) Panzer likes to head butt you and purrs really loudly almost all the time lol. He purrs if you talk to him/ walk in the room etc. He also makes a racket outside the bedroom door in the morning when the alarm goes off and his new favourite thing is to jump on the bed, then burrow under the covers haha. Sherman is just as cute and likes to ride around on your shoulder or roll over for tummy rubs. They are both obsessed with the sink at the moment which is really funny to watch :-). I'm really enjoying seeing all the other photos on here at the moment too- I could very easily have loads of these cuties if I had a bigger house and more money :-).
They are just so sweet,see the straw looks as if it is as well used as the ones my lot play with,luv the last photo of them snuggled up together.... Are your photo folders like most others on here,full of furries with the odd human dotted about for a change....?
Know how you feel about wanting to add to the MC family,I am having to retrain my head to shake instead of nod & the mouth to say that negative word but its hard.....x
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