Anyone had or heard of a MC go missing for months?
One of my cats Rufus accidentally escaped 6 months ago now and he was seen a few times out in the countryside (I live on the edge of a village) a bit further away from the houses than other cats go, presumably to avoid them. Despite exhaustive searching, extremely good public awareness in the village and beyond and pretty much every technique you could think of including 2 trail cameras out there continuously for months, we have never seen him ourselves or caught him on camera since he escaped. We know that he survived the first 3 months (February to May) when it was still quite cold, because of sightings, which were all within 500m of the house. Since then dusk was very late (he has reverted to nocturnal behaviour like a wild cat) so no-one out in the fields to spot him and all of the crops were above cat height, making it like finding a needle in a haystack.
Now that dusk is earlier and the crops are being harvested there is more chance, but I am seriously wondering if he is still alive. We have had no sightings for 3 months now (although the above factors play a strong part in this) and whilst I don't want to just give up like everyone else does, it's really hard with no positive info to give you hope. I have read that Maine Coons are excellent hunters and good survivors, and there must be plenty of prey out there in the fields and not much competition for it. Does anyone have any experience of a MC going missing for this kind of length of time then being found? The last person who saw him in good detail said he looked thin (but otherwise fine) which was 3 months after escape, but that was more than 3 months ago now. Is there any hope that he is still alive? He is/was such a beautiful ginger MC and a real character, I miss him a lot. Apologies for length and depressing content!