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Once again you get the feeling that the cats come off best,how many times do you spend a fortune on something for them but no way would you do it for yourself.
I have the pleasure of bed sharing if we do a two day show.My first boy Merlyn is a real gentleman,no bother he will go & lay on the windowsill all night & you never know he is there,what a shock when we took the two new boys out first time,on your head ,under the duvet,come on mum play with a mouse or two,no,ok dad how about you,two hours later both of us getting crabby came up with a good idea,big bathroom,tray already in there put them in with beds,food & a couple of toys,bliss,peace & quiet for about 10 minutes when bang one of them was running & jumping at the door & the other one kept hanging off the door handle with the addition of a cats duo chorus,let them out again & they actually curled up between us,great this could be it,sleep,hardly settled down & the fire alarm went off,cats in basket everyone out trying to find out what was going on another hour later no chance of bed,first & last time we are staying over with those two I do need a certain amount of the old Zzzzzs