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Thread: Got to see our first Maine Coons in person

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    Got to see our first Maine Coons in person

    My fiancee and I went to the Santa Monica cat show last weekend and we finally got to see our first Maine Coons in person, we've been relying on pictures and videos thus far. We were both awestruck, these are amazing creatures.

    We got the chance to pet a great looking 4 month old male. We couldn't believe how silky smooth their fur was, I'm guessing that is until their full coat comes in, but I could be wrong. It was his first time at a cat show, didn't phase him.

    We saw a silver tabby and a red tabby, I've never seen colors mixed together in such a stunning pattern. We definately chose the correct breed of cats to get. We're hoping to get our MCs in January if all goes well.




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