Got my 1st Maine coon on saturday & she stinks. It was wearing off but then she keeps mesing her furr up when she uses her litter tray. When i wiped her she smelt more so now she has had to be washed?:sad2:
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Got my 1st Maine coon on saturday & she stinks. It was wearing off but then she keeps mesing her furr up when she uses her litter tray. When i wiped her she smelt more so now she has had to be washed?:sad2:
I had to bath my boy two or three times when I first got him. He would rake too much in his litter tray and end up with his mess on his bottom, tail and legs. I read a thread on this forum with members discussing how they bath their MC's. I liked the post which said to part fill the bath with lukewarm water and use a jug instead of the shower. This way it doesn't freak your kitten out. I did this when I bathed my boy. I have some lovely shampoo which I bought from TK Maxx so he smelt gorgeous after and he didn't seem bothered by being bathed and he actually liked being dried with the towel.
I had to bathe my kitten the other day as he soiled in the cat box on the way back from vets oh my he was in a right state have to say dont think he liked the sink that much lol
yep I had to bath bramble just the other day for this very reason. I made sure the water was nice and warm but not too hot and hung the towel on the radiator, I got a couple of scratches I think she got a fright more than anything as she will happily 'play' in water but didnt like being washed. Naughty mummy alert, I just used some baby wash as I havent got any cat shampoo it has been ordered just not arrived yet.
Have you tried to find out what might cause the Smelly Bum Syndrome? Could be worms/parasites or some other intestinal issue. Also it could be that the food she eats doesn’t agree with her. Finding and taking away the cause can save you a lot of hassle with bathing, etc.
Yes very normal kittens sometimes arn't the cleanest in there litter tray! I do agree with Antonia that there poos should be solid.
I found this link which was handy for bath time GroomingYourCat
we also found a fan heater handy for drying after the bath.
wish my red would sit like that for the blow drying !!!! Tabby almost goes to sleep on a lap
My MC Max is getting his bath once weekly. He actually likes being bathed. I put him in the bath in lukewarm water and wash him with a sponge, he stands still while I wash him and waits for me to rinse off the soap. I wrap him in a towel afterwards and dries him with my hairdryer. Without any hassle.