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Thread: New Maine Coon Owner

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
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    New Maine Coon Owner

    As the title states I recently purchased my first pet, the Maine Coon. I bought my first home recently as well and decided I wanted a pet that matched a personality to my own and after much research found that the Maine Coon is what I wanted. So far I couldn't be happier. That being said I am also in search of information to allow "Krim" (as I have named him) the best possible care, food, health possible. Before I get into that I am also curious as to the naming of him. The breeder that I purchased him from had been calling him by another name and he is at 12 weeks old currently, is it acceptable to rename at this point his pedigree cert. shows his name as is was and just wondering if that changing the name makes it void (not that I am all too concerned as I am not expecting to show/breed).
    I am also curious as to the food that is recommended. My current plan is to order Royal Canin babycat/33 online and have it delivered to my home. Is there another food I should be getting or other comparable foods I dont need to special order not that its that much of a hassle. I currently have some food I was sent home with and a couple different types of food by Purina.
    Does water make a difference tap as opposed to filtered, my breeder recommends Culligan water.
    I have a 100 more questions to ask to ensure the best possible care for him but dont want to overdo it writing it all out so if I can get some tips from the experts and people who have the experience I would be truly grateful.

    Thank you




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