Small head
We have two MCs. The newest one we got as a kitten, he's a boy called General MaxiPuss. He is now about a year old. He is now slightly taller than our 4 year old female, but still nowhere near filled out yet. However, his head seems to be much smaller in proportion to his body than the older cat's. Is this normal? Is his head likely to grow?
Hi there. I guess cats are like humans, they are unique so it could just be the way he is. Looking at his parents should give you a reasonable idea of what he will end up like. They say coonies don't reach full size until 3/4 years old so presumably that includes the head.
I've heard that the age of neutering can effect head size of male coonie, i.e the later you leave it the bigger the head/better the facial boning but a breeder would have a better idea than me.
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