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Thread: Poorly Sherman :-(

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  1. #1
    Happy Kitten
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Midlands uk
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    Poorly Sherman :-(

    Sherman has had ear problems recently, (discharge mainly, no head shaking/ scratching) and has had antibiotics twice. They worked but the infection returned immediately after they stopped.The vet wanted him in this morning to flush the ear out under sedation and have a good look. Had a phone call around lunchtime, they had found a large polyp :-( the vet said it was about 5mm by 10mm in all. It was about to protrude through hie ear drum apparently and had infection etc behind it in the middle ear. He had to have surgery, stitches etc the works and is there overnight.

    Been worrying about him all day! He is only just 5 months and we expected to have him back by lunch with a diagnosis of bad ear infection. The vet hadn't seen such a young cat with a big polyp before and he thought it was much better to do it today whilst he was under instead of waiting untill he was neutered. It feels very empty in the house without him and his brother Panzer is very concerned. He keeps looking for him and calling for him. Think we'll leave the bedroom door open tonight, he won't let us out of his sight. I keep tripping over him lol.

    Strangely through all of this he has been his normal self, eating and playing well and continuing to put on weight at a good rate. We wouldn't have known anything was wrong apart from the discharge. They are both nearly 4kg now :-) Anyway sorry for going on- was just a bit of a shock. Wish I'd given him a longer cuddle before I went to work today now!xx




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