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Living with Rommy
Hello everyone, just making a post here to say hello, from me and Rommy.
Had Rommy since Wed 26th Sep in the evening, first few days were learning expeince, asking lots of questions in the Q&A thread, but she is starting to settle down now, purring and chirping, I swear she is like the guy from police academy with all the noises she is making.
She has already started to follow me around and crying at me if I leave the room, it is cute, plus she happy to block my view of the TV when laying on me, not that she cares, thought she does seem to like Star Trek Next Gen.
Tonight we lost our first baby tooth, will keep it no doubt as well its her first tooth, but she is liking the keyboard, might have to get her one of her own and she so far has not gone for my mouse cursor.
She is happy exploring but she is trying to find out what is behind 3 doors, which are the bedrooms and bathroom, trying to keep her out of them for the time being.
So a few pics for you all.
Kimbie & Rommy
Hi Kimbie and Rommy,
Lovely to meet you both on the forum and thanks for the cute pictures of Rommy who sounds like a real character already. Funny that about Star Trek - as my boy used to seem to have a real thing for Sci Fi - and especially loved the film 2001 a Space Odessey - and tried grabbing the spaceship. Probably a good idea to keep some doors closed at first so Rommy gets used to your home gradually. How old is she by the way - she still looks very much like a kitten x
Great to see you two are bonding so well....think she has already got you right under her paw, what a little sweetheart she is...x
Congratulations on your new kitten. She is beautiful.
Thanks, although been restricting her progress through the house, she appears to have found a new place to hide last night, so much so couldn't find her this morning before going to work, but all her food was gone so she is around somewhere.
I am really happy how we are getting on, fact she likes to come into my lap, or lay on my desk and trying to play with my keyboard while I am trying to play games, a few deaths were the result of feline interference.
Had a little scare last night, as caught her chewing my iphone dock connector then found a tooth, but asking the breeder turns out just a baby tooth as its about that time for her to start loosing them as she is getting on for 19/20 weeks now.
she is a lovely young lady , look forward to watching her progress
Well after being worried I could not find her, found her at last, seems she was in the corner of the cupboard in the study, so told her off for hiding like that and gave her a hug.
Now while I am sitting in my computer chair she is sitting on the top of my chest watching me, keeping me warm lol and purring away to herself.
Ah cupboards are a favourite resting place of my boy. He just loves the bottom of the wardrobe x
She is finding new places to hide, which is always fun wondering how she got there.
She is starting to follow me more now, will cry at the bottom of the stairs if I go up, or at the top if I go down, just have to call her and she comes running.
She is eating all her food now, often waiting on the kitchen table for me in the morning
Well it's almost a month since Rommy arrived, she has settled in now, follows me around, lays with me on the sofa, in the study that is of course she isn't running round like a lunatic.
Will get some more pics soon
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