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Thread: Social network groups are okay but maintaining a public Maine Coon forum is important

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    Cool Cat
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    Social network groups are okay but maintaining a public Maine Coon forum is important

    Like many others I suspect, I've been invited to join various closed or secret groups on Facebook on a range of topics I've an interest in ranging from groups about health issues to Maine Coons. The social network groups are sometimes fun; they can provide an opportunity to share photos of beloved furries or exchange anecdotes or accounts of the day. Sometimes these groups can also offer informal advice and support - such as one I belong to about breast cancer. However, the factor the groups I belong to have in common is that most of the members originally came from, or met through, a public forum such as this one. I worry sometimes that such private groups, whilst fun, can damage the vitality of a properly moderated forum which can provide a first line of support to new Maine Coon owners, who may not have connections or access to secret groups. A public forum such as this one also offers a properly maintained information architecture which carries a search facility and so enables users to find the information that they need easily, if they have a burning or important question about a beloved furry. Where would the anxious MC owner go - apart from a vet - if they are concerned that their MC isn't eating, has a bent tail, or is worried about a particular breeder's credibility or is looking to meet other MC owners for the first time? This forum contains such rich knowledge and expertise and serves a very important role in the love, support and protection of Maine Coon cats - which is available for anyone to join as it is in the public domain.

    I don't know what other users of this forum feel about the role of a public forum and the potential impact secret groups on social networking sites may have on a forum such as this. I'm sure there's a role for both groups and that they can happily co-exist, but it would be a sad world if the Maine Coon owner couldn't retrieve a public forum on a Google search and ask a question they may have about their furry. I have met some wonderful people through this forum, and would never have met them if the service was secret or closed.

    Long may this Forum continue!
    Last edited by brightlight23; 10th October 2012 at 09:06 AM.




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