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Thread: Social network groups are okay but maintaining a public Maine Coon forum is important

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  1. #1
    Cool Cat
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    Social network groups are okay but maintaining a public Maine Coon forum is important

    Like many others I suspect, I've been invited to join various closed or secret groups on Facebook on a range of topics I've an interest in ranging from groups about health issues to Maine Coons. The social network groups are sometimes fun; they can provide an opportunity to share photos of beloved furries or exchange anecdotes or accounts of the day. Sometimes these groups can also offer informal advice and support - such as one I belong to about breast cancer. However, the factor the groups I belong to have in common is that most of the members originally came from, or met through, a public forum such as this one. I worry sometimes that such private groups, whilst fun, can damage the vitality of a properly moderated forum which can provide a first line of support to new Maine Coon owners, who may not have connections or access to secret groups. A public forum such as this one also offers a properly maintained information architecture which carries a search facility and so enables users to find the information that they need easily, if they have a burning or important question about a beloved furry. Where would the anxious MC owner go - apart from a vet - if they are concerned that their MC isn't eating, has a bent tail, or is worried about a particular breeder's credibility or is looking to meet other MC owners for the first time? This forum contains such rich knowledge and expertise and serves a very important role in the love, support and protection of Maine Coon cats - which is available for anyone to join as it is in the public domain.

    I don't know what other users of this forum feel about the role of a public forum and the potential impact secret groups on social networking sites may have on a forum such as this. I'm sure there's a role for both groups and that they can happily co-exist, but it would be a sad world if the Maine Coon owner couldn't retrieve a public forum on a Google search and ask a question they may have about their furry. I have met some wonderful people through this forum, and would never have met them if the service was secret or closed.

    Long may this Forum continue!
    Last edited by brightlight23; 10th October 2012 at 09:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Cool Cat
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    I agree! Love the forum and find it to be most helpful and a lot of fun. I do not belong to facebook, twitter, or other social online groups. I do belong to a host of other public forums. I too am grateful for this site.
    jckkerrison and Howlinbob like this.

  3. #3
    Top Cat
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    I too agree. I must admit it is sometimes hard to follow so many forums... takes a lot of time reading everything, lol. But that must not keep me from participating in this one, as it is indeed informative and a lot of fun.

  4. #4
    Elite Cat
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    I totally agree that an open forum such as this is invaluable for sharing information, asking questions, and making new friends and contacts. However, I do have a private (not secret) group on FB purely for owners of my past kittens and anyone interested in possibly owning one in the future, mainly so that we can share photos, tips and stories without clogging up a forum such as this.

    I think there is room for both options and, providing I don't get sucked into following every post on every forum every day, it suits me.

  5. #5
    Cool Cat

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    Quote Originally Posted by Musicalife View Post
    However, I do have a private (not secret) group on FB purely for owners of my past kittens and anyone interested in possibly owning one in the future, mainly so that we can share photos, tips and stories without clogging up a forum such as this.
    That's a fantastic idea! Although I'm a wee bit wary of FB at this moment in time, it's certainly something to consider in the future so I can post stuff like this:
    Proof That Cats Are Better Than Dogs - YouTube
    And not get called a "crazy cat man" by some of my dog loving FB friends




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