I recommend that you kennel "Krasnyi Dar" . Breeder - vet with a great experience. It is strictly monitors the health of their cats and kittens.
Cats from this kennel has purchased Kennels Germany, Britain, Italy and even Australia.
I have a third cat that's where I take. I love attitude breeder!
Re: Krasnyi Dar.
Wow that Wildcat Ken Coon is huuuuuuuge ! - just showed hubby. I wish I could have taken a picture of his face ha ha
Thanks everyone! lots of leads to follow up now. I am looking into cat shows too. I didn't think about that idea!
That's how I found my breeder Claire... at the Perth Ag Show. Otherwise I would never have know there was a breeder of MC in Perth.
And of course dh got to see them too... which helped to convince him I needed one! lol... not that he's 100% convinced though...to him its "just that b****y cat" ... typical aussie male!
Hi sent you a PM with breeders I have used. Hope you have success :smile:
Well I have an update on this. I have found a recommended breeder nearer my home! Not only does she have kittens but she does MC rescue so have some older ones for us to choose from too! As my preferance was for a slightly older cat this is brilliant news. Not only do I get my Coonie but I get too help make one happy as well!!!!! I am going on Friday night to see them. How will I choose?????? I am so excited!
Re: Breeders
So happy & excited for you,no doubt you will let us know how you get on.
Could you perhaps come home with more than one.....!
That's great news Claire, well you may even end up with more than one ??? Bet you can't wait until Friday ! x
That's wonderful news Claire!
Claire take all !!!!!! :GroupHug1:
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