Hi all, well I must thank everyone for their kind words about the loss of Fudge but here I am asking for help to find a reputable breeder! No offence is intended to any of the breeders on this forum but my experience has not been a good one! I'm not sure of this forum allows recommendations but if it does, please could you let me know where you all got your Coonies from and if you were happy with the way things went. I can't go through another loss again so soon so I want to be very sure I go to the right person next time. Thank you again for being such a lovely bunch of people! So pleased to have found you all!
I would love to be able to help but as I am in Australia any info from me wont be much help. I have found a great breeder here and I am about to get my 2nd MC from them. I hope someone can recommend a good one for you - I get weekly pics and updates and calls about his progress.
Dont dispair - there are great ones out there!
That is so good to hear! Yours look fab, would love to come and collect one from Australia!
I know my breeder has sent kittens overseas but it would be a long trip!!!. If you want a trip out to Oz anytime!!! - let me know.
Hi Claire, were you looking to get a kitten or did you want to adopt an older cat ? only the breeder I got Harry from has a 6 year old female cat for adoption? They don't have kittens at the moment. They are in Essex so it would be quite a way for you to go, as it was for us, but I'm pleased I did :)
Like you I'm not sure if we can advertise as such on the forum but we got Harry from Aisza Cattery. Hope this helps. Alison x
Thats fab! I'm happy with either at the moment as long as its a girl and healthy! I don't care how far I have to go as long as they treat their animals well. I might well give them a call!
I hope you find a healthy kitty claire.... i couldn't blame you.
That's the one thing I'm worried about, but from what I've seen the cats at the breeders are all well cared for and friendly and I know the vet is happy to go there to see the cats when needed and he was going to check them the day they were born and the breeder was really happy about us going around to look when we were in perth.
I've been getting pictures sent to me but it's been hard as the breeder hasn't had a puter until recently.
Fingers crossed you find what you are looking for.
We used this breeder and were very happy, based near Milton Keynes
Kitten page
I would go through the Maine Coon Cat Club. See who is listed in your area & visit them so you can ask lots of questions & see their cats. We did that & were so happy (still are!) with our fabulous girl as we know she was health checked, well socialised, not a rip off (some kittens go for £500 which is ridiculous) & from a breeder who cares (she is heavily involved in the breed).
Have you got a cat show anywhere near you,could be an ideal place to go along &
to see & have a chat with some breeders or get to know about them.
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