Introduction and question.
Hi I brought a Blackand white female maine coon about 6 weeks ago. Her names Arya.Absolutely wonderful kitten. I picked the breed as I wanted aIntelligent but docile cat and she has far exceeding my expectations.Best way to describe her is like a small dog! Only big downside isshe is very aggressive to other cats. Although only allowed out on alead she likes to antagonise the neighbours cats through windows orwhen outside with me. Its a shame as I would want another one or two.The only way I could see her accepting another cat is if they whereher own which leads me to my question....
It was kind of alucky buy as the people I wanted to buy her from where a Japanesecouple with a male and female maine coon who wanted to set up asbreeders, had a litter buy due to a family emergency had to veryquickly move back to Japan and didn’t want to take the kittens on a14 hours plane journey. Only thing is after a few weeks of realisinghow awesome these cats are I decided I want one litter from my littleArya, plan being to keep one or two kittens and sell the rest. Butdue to how quickly the sellers had to move they didn’t have time toregister her or her siblings with any pedigree registers. She a puremaine coon, I saw both her parents pedigrees and met the mother. Sheshould be HCM negative as both her parents were (vet said to test heranyway at one year which I will. ). So is there a way to get herregisters and if not could I still get her studded as I would want apure maine coon whos is HCM negative and healthy not some random tom!