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Thread: Introduction and question.

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Introduction and question.

    Hi I brought a Blackand white female maine coon about 6 weeks ago. Her names Arya.Absolutely wonderful kitten. I picked the breed as I wanted aIntelligent but docile cat and she has far exceeding my expectations.Best way to describe her is like a small dog! Only big downside isshe is very aggressive to other cats. Although only allowed out on alead she likes to antagonise the neighbours cats through windows orwhen outside with me. Its a shame as I would want another one or two.The only way I could see her accepting another cat is if they whereher own which leads me to my question....

    It was kind of alucky buy as the people I wanted to buy her from where a Japanesecouple with a male and female maine coon who wanted to set up asbreeders, had a litter buy due to a family emergency had to veryquickly move back to Japan and didn’t want to take the kittens on a14 hours plane journey. Only thing is after a few weeks of realisinghow awesome these cats are I decided I want one litter from my littleArya, plan being to keep one or two kittens and sell the rest. Butdue to how quickly the sellers had to move they didn’t have time toregister her or her siblings with any pedigree registers. She a puremaine coon, I saw both her parents pedigrees and met the mother. Sheshould be HCM negative as both her parents were (vet said to test heranyway at one year which I will. ). So is there a way to get herregisters and if not could I still get her studded as I would want apure maine coon whos is HCM negative and healthy not some random tom!

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    Hi, welcome to you and Arya.

    I must admit I am a bit confused about the registration thing… surely the sellers can send copies of the parents’ papers to the proper registry organisation in the UK? Hopefully one of the breeders on here can shed light on this, as I am not familiar with the rules.

    Leaving aside whether it would be wise to breed her, without registration it’s highly unlikely you’ll find a stud owner willing to co-operate.

    Perhaps it’s best to focus on her behavioural problem. Aggression is uncommon in well-bred MCs; they are called “gentle giants” for a reason. How much do you know about her background? How did she socialise with the other cats at the breeder’s? From your introductory post I gather you got her at 10 weeks, which is younger than usual for a pedigree kitten to leave the litter.

    Good luck and I hope someone else on here can give you more useful advice than I can.

    Oh, and do post photos of your girl for us to drool over.

  3. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Picture will be upcomeing. Yeah 10 weeks was abit young but the breeder had no choice as they where already late in flying over. As for socialing she was with a family. As for other cats she only had her mother and father and brothers and sisters. She perfectly gentle with humans and will be super freindly to visiters. So she is gentle but not with other cats. I think it MAY be because the first day after bringing her back next doors cat appeared at the window and spooked her by hissing and meowing. So since then she just distrusts all other cats. Its not a huge problem as she a indoor cat, but I would like another one at some point and dont want to risk injury to a new kitten :/ As for certificates from her breeders I was going to email them in a few weeks for the parents certificates of pedigree.

  4. #4
    Elite Cat
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    Please think long and hard before breeding your girl. Aside from the fact that you have no papers for her, breeding is not a five minute wonder or something you might fancy doing because you like little fluffy kittens. Sorry to sound harsh but decent breeders spend many years working on their lines, carefully chosing which kittens to keep for breeding, which to sell as pet/show, carefully selecting matings for health and temperament. They have probably spent quite a few years being mentored by a more experienced breeder and will know all the pitfalls to breeding. If someone had told me the story about the Japanese couple having to return to Japan due to family emergency I would have said it was a scam - as this is a line that many scammers use. Did they have permission to breed their Maine Coons? Were both parents on the Active list? Its a five minute job to register kittens so I don't believe that they didn't have time to register them. This is the sort of line BYBs use when they haven't registered kittens because they can't (as neither parents are on the Active Register). If they weren't registered then you've probably got very little chance of getting papers for your girl. If you really want to breed, please visit some shows, do lots of research and contact reputable breeders to see if anyone would be willing to mentor you. Sorry if this is not what you want to hear but breeding is a big responsiblity to take on

  5. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Thats why im asking around as its something I would take serously, im trying to get as much information as possible to make a balanced descion . As for health and tempramnet with humans my little girl is on top form and is very easily to train. And this is far from my first pet (though pet isnt really the word to describ her...more like friend) and have access to a large range of resources.

    As for scam I doubt it. I was offerd copies of the parents certifates, turned down at time as breeding was'nt really on my mind at the time, its only because of circumstance change and the fact I would love a secound or third maine coon Its crossed my mind and so doing research. Another reason it most likely wan'nt a scam is the fact that when I picked the kitten up people where actually moveing boxes and furniture out the building, so the moveing part was deffinatly true. Plus I have there contact details as well which work as used them to get her vet records sent to my vet. So chances are I could quite easily get copys of her parents details if needed. Also they where very very particular about who they sold the kittens too and were pretty demanding with questions, although they needed to sell quick they were pretty dertermind to make sure they would be well cared for.
    Last edited by carzyewook; 11th October 2012 at 11:33 PM.

  6. #6
    Elite Cat
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    Seeing copies of the parents "Pedigree" is not the same as their "Registration Slip". The difference being that anyone can put together a "pedigree". A registration slip is official proof from one of the Registration Bodies (in the UK this would be GCCF, FIFe or TICA) that the parents are registered, and more importantly that they are registered on the "Active" register (meaning they are deemed by the original breeder to be of good type and good enough to be bred from). Would you be happy to send me a PM (private message) with the Prefix of the kittens breeders? I will be able to give you an idea of whether they are reputable breeders and whether or not you have any chance of getting papers for your girl? I would also be very happy to put you in contact with good breeders who may be happy to mentor a new breeder
    jckkerrison and JanieB like this.




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