Maine Coon Milestones?
Longfellow turns 7 months old tomorrow, and this morning stood up on his hind legs and batted at a spoon on my kitchen countertop. It happened to quickly for me to take a picture, but I was amazed he is already tall/long enough to reach the countertop. What is next? By the way, does anyone know a good way to train Maine coons to open doors? I have lever-style door handles so it should be easy.
bring him round my house - he will pick it up from floyd very quickly - my two kittens did :rofl::rofl:
But how did Floyd pick it up?
Floyd seems to work things out but only if he wants to mostly where food is involved
He can open doors when he wants to be in the room - usually to follow me
He also opens tins by knocking them off the worktop because he has found they often open when they hit the floor.
Unfortunately he now uses this method to solve anything and knocks all tins onto the floor just in case there is food in them.
He opens cupboards ( just small doors after all ) to look for food and then slices opens cat food bags ( the heavy foil RC ones) even if they are sealed and unopened.
fortunately the kittens have not learnt these yet.
Floyd is very clever. Some of my cats can't even push open a door which is ajar, despite encouragement, and will sit waiting for a nearby slave to open it for them.
Cats dont learn things for the sake of it like we do , unless they benefit they wont bother
Maybe you should not open it for them cos all the time you do they have no incentive.
Now if you put their favourite treat the other side of a door thats ajar I bet they would get to it.
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