Love bite?
My coon has a rather funny habit, when we are getting ready to sleep ( he sleeps in the bed)
he will rub his head against my hand vigorously and then he'll "bite" my hand.:smile:
It doesn't hurt at all , it's more like a "love bite":LOL:
I would like to think it's a sign of affection, but i am not sure....
Have any of you had the same thing happen to you? And what does it mean?
Deffo a love bite.
Storvenn does it all the time with me when im smoothing him or giving him affection. Mind you he also does it to wake me.,,, I think of it as a cat version of a kiss.
If it was an angry bite, id suggest you would know about it :)
Totally agree with Tomiam, Harry does this too. I think at the moment he is teething, if that is possible with cats, he is chewing anything that moves or that is static including me. He only play bits my hands though :)
Yeah mine does it very gently at the end of fuss time, and then gets harder and harder with each bite- like she is testing the water, I think it's her way of taking it from fuss time to play time as well
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