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Thread: A sad tale

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    Cool Cat

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    A sad tale

    Just over 2 weeks ago my darling girl Saffi gave birth to 8 gorgeous kittens (4 white girls, 2 white boys, a brown tabby girl and a Tortie girl) . Unfortunately she delivered them several days early and all but 2 of them were so very very tiny. The other 2 were larger but still not as big as they should be. They seemed to be doing reasonably well so like the gushing proud idiot i am, I posted the news on facebook.

    Then I entered one of the most painfull and heartbreaking few days of my life as one by one we lost the kittens. They were born on the Saturday evening and by the following Weds morning we had just the 2 largest remaining. I cried so much over the last few weeks (yes I cry, and I challenge anyone not to when they are burying tiny kittens for 3 days in a row) I took the post down from Facebook as it crushed me when someone excitedly commented on it.

    It was then I got some emails asking probing questions from another breeder, and me being the obvious mug I am replied with the truth. We did everything we could to save the kittens but some things are just not meant to be. Apparently I am a "bad breeder" and "people are going to be warned about me"

    I would just like to say this is totally unfair. I live for my cats and I try to do everything right by them. I have only lost one kitten up until now and that was a little girl called Cassie who was born with a hole in her heart. I cared for her and fed her every 2 hours for 3 weeks until she finally gave up the fight.The very next thing I did was get the dad neutered and the mum (once she had finished caring for her other kittens) as I never wanted to risk that happening again.

    Sadly we lost one of the remaining 2 kittens, Ironically the same night that Buffy's litter was born. The remaining Kitten is a little tortie girl, she is absolutely adorable and growing bigger and stronger by the day and I am now start ing to believe she is going to make it. She and her mum are sleeping in a Kitten box by the side of my bed and we have a cctv camera on her so I can keep an eye on her at all times. I haven't put her up on the website yet as I don't want to tempt fate, it has been rather cruel to me lately :(

    I just find it incredible that people can be so vitriolic knowing that I have just been through a living nightmare. I won't stop breeding because of some bitter person. The photos and emails I get from the slaves of my kittens are such a huge reward. Just knowing I have brought some happiness into the lives of total strangers (who go on to be good friends and members of the Milomaine family) is my reward, and of course getting to spend so much time with the most incredible breed of kittens on the face of the planet.

    Why am I telling you all this, well I know how quickly bad news spreads and if you've heard something i just wanted to put the truth out there.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    Best wishes to you all from a very hurt, weary, and sad Mick.
    Last edited by MickB; 16th October 2012 at 05:19 PM. Reason: additions




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