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Thread: Why is my baby trembling/twitching when resting or falling asleep?

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    The Quiet Kitten
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    Why is my baby trembling/twitching when resting or falling asleep?

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to this forum, although I don't have a MC, I am a lover of all cats! My 4 month old baby, Peshaki, has been trembling (as if he's cold, and sometimes twitching) for two weeks now when he's resting and sleeping. It's usually the back legs that tremble, but sometimes the front ones too..and today I noticed it happening sort of in the chest area (or maybe that could have been from the front paws trembling). It is most vigorous when he's resting or about to fall asleep, the intensity decreases as he falls asleep.

    He isn't having any seizures as he is fully aware of his surroundings and the trembling pauses when he stretches. I took him to two vets, neither knew what it was (did blood tests and physical exam) but the second vet gave him antibiotics just in case. Peshaki is otherwise healthy, eating/drinking/playing. But I am still worried about my baby since the trembling is so noticeable..and the antibiotics doesn't seem to be doing anything. I tried blankets/petting nothing really helped. I feel so helpless. There are a lot of people asking the same thing online, but nobody comes back to tell what worked for them... :( Would anyone care to share their experience if it's similar?




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