thanks for that roy... and yes.. I've done a lot of research....
I work out that I will get gryfn in 4 weeks....
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thanks for that roy... and yes.. I've done a lot of research....
I work out that I will get gryfn in 4 weeks....
I just uploaded my latest pic of gryfn into the gallery... it's not very good, but its still cute! :rofl:
And tonight I got through to dh to get the cat run done, so he priced the materials and we've decided to put a proper roof on as it's cheaper... which is exactly what I wanted!!! :winkwink:
You wont know yourself with a cat run. I have a 14m by 3m run on the side of my house and they are always out there catching bugs and rolling in the dirt etc. Also means I dont have to change trays - I do have 2 out there but they are never used ( just in case the ground gets too wet)
Downside - Sarah manages to get slugs caught in her fur and jumps on my lap and goes to sleep - slugs slide off and go down my leg - Yuck!!
Just saw his photo - doesnt he look like a big cat now!!!
he looks big... I wish I could go see him... :(
the run will start off being 8m x 2m downt he side of the house, but dh want's to extend it another 4 metres or so to the water tank.
Sounds perfect. I have a fernery in mine and they can lie under the plants and play hide and seek. Luckily goes off my laundry and I have a small dog door always open. One of my old cats was large ( 11kg) so luckily had a bigger door put in for her. I am getting some wooden shelves etc put in in the next couple of week so they can lie around above the ground.
sounds exactly like what I've got heather. It was the shadehouse so it's full of ferns and other plants and there was an aviary in there so I've woodchipped the bottom of that and dh doesn't want to move the front of it, so that will be there in case I have to separate cats at all.
I'm woodchipping the garden, so that hopefully they won't dig in it, but it's not going to worry me either way.
I'm also putting up shelves and making hammocks with shadecloth and hanging them.
How do you make a hammock? Are they strong enough to carry the weight? What do you have them tied to?
I still have to make them, but we've got some old shadecloth at the top of the shadehouse that has to be cut off so I'm going to use that.
I'm still trying to work out exactly what I'm going to do, but I'm going to fold a piece in half, then into a triangle and using a cord sew a hook or something on each corner and hang it off the corners and if I hang them at the right points it should be strong enough.
I found a metal frame down the back and using cord sewed a double length of shadecloth into the top and our moggie was very happy to curl up in it.
the reason the shadecloth at the top of the shadehouse has to come down is the cats have loved climbing up there and sleeping in it so that gave me the idea.