Oh Puzzles it's great to see Lillie and Archie with you!! Glad they had a good trip home and they are settling in well. The picture of them snuggled together is so lovely; it's so wonderful they've gone home with a sibling :) I wish I could have taken 2 from the same litter. I'm just glad Pipi is friends with our existing cats.
So looking forward to hearing about updates and seeing them grow. It's brilliant being in contact with someone who has kittens from the same litter!
How much are your two eating at the moment? Pipi does her "triangle bark" (named by OH) four or five times a day!! She's such a bucket and probably putting away 200g or more of food a day!
What have you found out about their personalities so far? :D The kittens are such furry purries aren't they! Pipi will even arch her back and frrrrp at you whilst she's eating if you stroke her lol. And she constantly licks my hands! I have to be so careful what's on them.
So pleased to hear that Pipi is getting on well with your other furries and has settled in so well :smile:
Yes, it's wonderful to have Archie & Lily with us! The trip home was rather fraught because of the snow - but they were absolutely brilliant and never complained ... just purred :-)
They eat loads, play loads, purr loads then sleep ... but not for long usually!! They've got really super personalities too :smile:
It was a long wait for them to join us, but so worth it :wub:
Puzzles - Congrats on getting Lillie & Archie home safely! How wonderful to finally have them with you! Great things are worth waiting for - these 2 fit that bill quite well!
NexivRed -- So glad you got Pipi from the same litter. Didn't realize they were from the same family until now.
Hugs to both furfamilies - I am excited for all of you!
Thanks ... I agree re worth waiting for ... they are and they do !! :rofl:
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