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Thread: Louie's back from the vet....

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AlwaysLearning Louie's back from the vet.... 7th December 2012, 05:51 PM
Alekto yeay Louis! Congrats! 9th December 2012, 09:05 AM
Aquila Good... 9th December 2012, 11:22 AM
  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Louie's back from the vet....

    And is 8.6 pounds! Yaay! He was only 6 pounds 2.5 weeks ago...and that's with every worm you can think of! He's still very bony, but well on his way to a more healthy weight.

    He's otherwise very healthy she says. And he charmed everybody during the visit. Purred and purred like he was at home....until they drew blood to test for feline leukemia (which he doesn't have, thank goodness). And then gave him NASTY liquid wormer right after. Then he wanted to hide behind me.

    He still has the lung worms, but he now has proper medicine.

    We're getting there
    Howlinbob, MickB and Alekto like this.




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