Today I admired my kitties once again, but even more than usually.
One of my patients who was depressed brought a little dog with her to demonstrate how she battles her depression.
She got a mix of Shih Tzu and a Terrier at the shelter for only $250 as a therapy dog. The little creature (only 5 lb, almost 1/4 of the size and weight of my cat) was so cute and cheerful, jumping around and licking my shoes (probably liked the smell of Maincoons)
I was very delighted and even thought that if I was not a cat person, I probably would get a puppy like this.
At that very moment the owner exclaimed "Did you do it again, little stinker?" and before I realized what it was, a horrible suffocating smell filled the entire room. I had to literally jump out of the room and take my breath outside.
The owner apologized and said that this lil' doggy got into her cats' food bowl this morning and emptied it.
I no longer wanted to have a dog. My kitties would never fart in public :shy: In fact, in 3 years that I have them I never detected any obnoxious smells. Even when they occasionally get runs and I have to clean their furry bottoms
they don't smell too bad. Cleaning their litterbox is a pleasure and gives me a sense of accomplishment.
Thank you doggy, you confirmed once again that cats (and Coonies in particular) are the best.